
It is your obligation as a landlord to keep your appliances, especially your boiler, safe for your tenants. Boiler maintenance should be a key priority in order to maintain your property functional, comfortable, and safe, as the inability to do so can lead to catastrophic medical problems like carbon monoxide poisoning. Thankfully, having an annual gas safety inspection will avert you from getting further issues.

What Does A Gas Safety Check Entail?

A gas safety check aims to guarantee that all gas equipment, such as the boiler, cooker, and gas fireplace, is in healthy operating order. Unlike a gas inspection, which is a more thorough examination, safety inspections will look at the following:

  • The appliance is functioning at the correct pressure level
  • The appliance has an appropriate air supply and the gas is burning requisitely
  • Gases and fumes can be safely expelled through suitable chimneys and flues
  • All safety features are employed smoothly.

Landlords are required by law to conduct an annual gas safety inspection and present evidence to their tenants in the guise of a landlord gas safety certificate. The Gas Safe inspector undertaking your check will provide you with a certificate corroborating that the required appliances have been examined.

The Advantages of Landlord Gas Safety Inspections

As previously stated, gas safety inspections are essential for landlords to stay on the right side of the law. They may, however, have a slew of other advantages, including:

  • Increased Safety:
    A routine gas safety inspection, as well as a yearly service, will ensure your appliances are in an efficient working status. Even if your tenants haven’t reported any concerns, problems could be brewing somewhere in the system, so you should get them checked by a competent.
  • Cost-effective:
    Allowing problems in your boiler to evolve could eventually cost you more money than having them checked. A full breakdown or substantial repairs may result in an unexpected expense, and your renters may be without heat or hot water for a lengthy period while the item is replaced or fixed.
  • Outstreches the life of appliances:
    Regular checks will extend the life of your gas appliances for years, assimilating your boiler will serve many renters in your property.

Ozzy is the service to call if you need an experienced team of gas safety professionals. We can support with appliance maintenance, gas safety checks, repairs, and routine maintenance, as well as new system installation. For more information, contact us today

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